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Meet the Staff

I’ll bet you didn’t know this, but The Real Mews is owned and operated by cats!  Below is some mostly true information about the three cats that make all of the magic happen!

Mavis LeFevre is a five time Purr-litzer Prize winner and editor-in-chief at The Real Mews. Dubbed the “Queen of Investigation” for her freelance detective work, Mavis endures as one of the most successful journalists of all time. She earned praise in 2022 for her exposé on kibble kickbacks and achieved a Catnip Award in 2023 for her inspirational novel, “Which Came First: The Fishbowl or the Litter Box?

Hometown: Catsburg

Favorite Bird: Blue Jay

Favorite Toy: Fabric Mouse

Favorite Music: Pop

Maximus LaRue Coghoan VIII — known professionally by his stage name, Max Larue — is an American actor, producer, and businesscat. One of the world’s most notable celebrities, Max has been voted World’s Most Influential Feline five times by Fortune Nine magazine. Although his shrewd business sense is well documented, Max has a kind heart, and he reports that his greatest pride is being a member of the Della and Max team.

Hometown: Tuxedo Valley

Favorite Bird: Crow

Favorite Toy: Fabric Skunk

Favorite Music: Soft Jazz

MacKenzie Bijou is an American singer and songwriter. Often referred to as the “Queen of Rock”, she is credited with influencing the revival of rock and roll music during the mid-2000s. She is known for her seven-octave vocal range and whistle register, both of which have garnered her critical acclaim. When she’s not singing, MacKenzie is the president and chief executive officer of Max and Grace Studios

Hometown: Lilac City

Favorite Bird: Sparrow

Favorite Toy: Backscratcher

Favorite Music: Rock